What is the Impact of Working from Home on UK Property

The Working From Home Revolution: Transformations in UK Property Market

home office


In the era of remote work, our homes are evolving, mirroring some would say a seismic shift in the property landscape. As traditional work boundaries dissolve, the way we perceive and utilize living spaces is undergoing unprecedented transformations. In this insightful exploration, we will delve into the profound impact of remote work on property trends in the UK. Specifically, we will unravel the evolving demands for home offices, the surging popularity of suburban living, and the consequential implications for property values.

Do the Statistics Back this Idea That Remote Working is the Future?

While around one in eight working adults reported working from home before the Covid pandemic.  Conversely, during the pandemic levels of working from home peaked, with almost half of working adults (49%).   So, has this trend continued?

According to an article by Chris Hendry, Sophia King, James Probert, Giselle Scott from The Office of National Statistics  economic.advice@ons.gov.uk

  • Among working adults who have worked in the last seven days, 16% reported working from home only and 28% reported both working from home and travelling to work over the period September 2022 to January 2023.
  • Workers in the highest income band, those who were educated to degree level or above, and those in professional occupations were most likely to report home only or hybrid working.
  • Self-employed workers were twice as likely to work from home only (32%) compared with employees (14%).
  • London residents reported the highest levels of hybrid working across Great Britain, with 4 in 10 workers both working from home and travelling to work.

The Rise of Home Working and the Home Office Boom:

home office

The paradigm shift towards remote or working from home undeniably reshapes our perception of homes. The demand for dedicated home offices is escalating, eclipsing the conventional makeshift workspaces. Estate Agents and property developers have adeptly adapted to this trend.  Emphasizing the inclusion of a functional home office space in property listings.

Certainly the statistics would indicate that more expensive homes would benefit from the inclusion of a dedicated office space.  Beyond the basic need for a quiet work environment.  Homebuyers actively seek properties boasting ergonomic designs, ample natural lighting, and robust internet connectivity. These elements are pivotal selling points in the fiercely competitive market.  Turning homes into dynamic spaces that cater to both professional and personal pursuits.

The Exodus from Cities to Work from Home:

leaving the city working from home

The allure of city living diminishes for remote workers, sparking a significant migration from urban hubs to suburban areas. The once-prized proximity to offices, eateries, and cultural attractions is overshadowed.  Homeowners desire more spacious living, green surroundings, and a tranquil lifestyle. This shift extends beyond individual homeowners.  Companies are reconsidering office locations, opting for suburban or rural settings to accommodate their remote home working staff.

This change not only impacts residential property but triggers dynamics in commercial real estate. City center office vacancy rates rise, while demand for flexible co-working spaces in suburban areas surges. The reevaluation of work-life balance becomes a driving force behind the suburban migration, with homebuyers actively seeking properties offering an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Implications for Property Values in the UK:

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The evolving landscape of working from home and housing preferences will inevitably leaves its mark on property values in the UK if this trend continues. As the demand for suburban properties skyrockets, prices in these areas witness a steady incline. Towns and villages on the outskirts of major cities become hotspots, attracting both first-time buyers and seasoned homeowners seeking a change of scenery.

Conversely, city property values face stagnation or, in some cases, decline. The diminishing demand for city living exerts pressure on property prices, particularly in areas where supply outweighs demand. Crucially, not all urban areas experience a downturn; neighborhoods offering a blend of urban amenities and suburban tranquility still prove attractive to certain homebuyers.

The Reimagined Commute when Working from Home:

a place in the country

With home working eliminating the need for a daily commute, homebuyers now emphasize other aspects of their living environment. Proximity to green spaces, outdoor recreational areas, and a sense of community takes precedence over proximity to city centers. This shift rejuvenates smaller towns and rural communities, offering a more relaxed pace of life without sacrificing access to essential amenities.

Some property developers recognising the demand are seamlessly incorporating features into new developments. Walkable neighborhoods, cycle paths, and community-focused spaces emerge as key selling points.  This reflects a shift in priorities from a convenient commute to a holistic and fulfilling lifestyle.


The impact of working from home on the UK property market is profound and multifaceted. Perhaps in the coming years we will see the ascent of home offices as non-negotiable features.  And the mass migration from cities to suburban areas, and the subsequent implications for property values underscore the transformative nature of the remote work revolution.

As the property market continues to adapt to these changes, both homebuyers and property developers redefine what constitutes an ideal living and working environment in this new era of work flexibility. Successfully navigating this evolving terrain hinges on a comprehensive understanding and wholehearted embrace of the shifting priorities of the remote workforce. It ensures that the homes of the future seamlessly align with the needs and aspirations of those who now call them both residence and workplace.

Final Thoughts:

time to relax

In this ever-changing tapestry of the property market, the remote revolution weaves a narrative where flexibility, community, and a holistic lifestyle take center stage. If the country embraces this evolution, we will embark on a journey towards a more harmonious and interconnected way of living, symbolizing the ongoing fusion of work and life within the confines of our homes and communities.


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